Freerange Fallow Buck
With the original and “illegal” releases, Fallow Deer are one of the most widespread of the deer species throughout New Zealand. Most of the “illegal” releases were of animals with top genetics so good bucks of 220DS plus are becoming common.
Fallow Bucks are very territorial and rut around the same time as Red Stag – April.
As well as impressive palmated antlers, unlike other deer species, Fallow deer have 4 fairly different colour phases giving them neat characteristics.
The Red Deer blocks at Hunting Downunder also have large numbers of Freerange Fallow Bucks (not to mention Wild Pigs and Goats) where not just trophy hunting, but meat hunts are an option.
After Sika venison, the meat of a young Fallow is fairly hard to beat – and great for you!
Contact us at Hunting Downunder Ltd to discuss prices and packages.